Your go-to course for creating your first e-book!

Sharing Your Skills, Knowledge & Passions

Learn To Make 5-Figures By Creating Your First E-Book In Less Than 30-Days! 

The Digital Product That Changed Everything For Me!
Start Making Passive Income Online From Selling Digital Products!

Hofit Kim Cohen


The Best Kept Secret!

Start Making Passive Income Online!

Your go-to course for creating your first e-book!

Sharing Your Skills, Knowledge & Passions

Learn To Make 5-Figures By Creating Your First E-Book In 30-Days! 

The Best Kept Secret!

Hofit Kim Cohen


Everyone has a story inside of them that's never been told...

What I'm about to share with you might be shocking, crazy...some might even call it INSANE! (and I do mean that in the best way possible!)

But really, it can quite literally change your entire world in a way that you probably never knew existed...


(What does that even mean...?)

I'll explain what I mean by that in a moment but before I get into that, 
let me introduce myself:

hofit kim cohen - Former Travel blogger/influencer (since 2014), turned multi-7 figures boss babe, author, business & mindset mentor/coach. 5-figure e-book course

Hey, I'm Hofit Kim Cohen

Former Travel blogger/influencer (since 2014), turned multi-7 figures boss babe, author, business & mindset mentor/coach. 

I'm basically your passive income bestie & the queen of digital products creation and online marketing that helps you turn your knowledge, skillset & passion into a 6-figure online money-making machine!

Now, can I ask you a question... 

How many times in your life have you been told that you can't make money off of your dreams and passions? 
(I'll give you a second to think) 💭

...I don't know about you but for me a million and one times! 🤣

Well, guess what, all those people who ever told you that you can't make money off all the things you love doing and are passionate about, (including your parents), lied to you! 

Yup, I said it!
Because it's true. 

Not only that☝️ but you can actually make a lot of money from it!!!

Now, before I get into how all of this can change your life, I want you to realize something... 

So tell me this...

(Even if you've NEVER in your life given any thoughts about writing a book)

 In all your years on planet Earth, how many skill sets have you gained? 3? 5? 20? 100? 
Both Big & Small? 

(I beat over you it's over 1000, yes, I said it!)

  How many problems have you solved in your lifetime?

(I bit you MANY! We literally solve problems all day without realizing it)

 What do you love to do in your free time or into?
 Could be anything!

(You know things that you really love doing, things you're passionate about, things you love talking about, could be anything -- even if no one knows about them)

 Is it Cooking? Gardening? Gaming? Shopping? Traveling? Astrology? Fitness? Conspiracy Theory? 

 Have you ever had a phase in your life, where you were super obsessed with something? 

What was it? 

 How many times in your life have you learned life-changing shit? that can help so many people!

hofit kim cohen - how to write an ebook? the 5-figure e-book course. learn to write an ebook in under 30 days

Would you then say that you have a few skill sets under your belt?...

Well if you haven't realized this by now, allow me to say this:

All the things you have learned in this lifetime, 
both big and small...

All the skillsets you've gained...

All the problems you have solved for yourself or others...

All the things you are passionate about & love...

All of your accomplished 

All those phases in your life where you were completely obsessing over something and consumed so much information on it...

hofit kim cohen - how to write an ebook? the 5-figure e-book course. learn to write an ebook in under 30 days



(☝️And may I add, make you ALOT OF MONEY!)


I say this because there are endless ways & possibilities, that this can go! 

and guess what, we've all heard the famous quote
"knowledge is power"

Your knowledge is a powerful tool that can make you alot of money!

Now, I'm going to take it a step forward and tell you this...

✨ One of the greatest things you can do in this lifetime is to share your knowledge with the world -- there is no greater gift than helping others overcome their struggles, pains & the things they don't understand. ✨

I believe that with all of my heart and promise you, that it won't just change their lives but it will also dramatically change your own. 

So how do you do that...? 


And so if you've stumbled upon this page, it's fair to say that the idea of writing a book has sparked your curiosity at one point or another...

BUT☝️ you've probably also had some of these thoughts... 💭

Let me know if this sounds familiar...

 Have you ever thought of writing a book but believe it's nearly impossible to do? Not knowing where to start... "Like where do I even begin?!"

 Do you believe that in order to write a book you clearly need to be a professional writer or an author? have to get better at that first...

 Do you believe you need to be famous or a public figure in order to write a book?

 Perhaps you thought of writing a book but also think that in order to do it, you need a publisher or a publishing deal?

 Do you believe that writing a book is super time-consuming, hard and will probably take you over a year to write?

 Maybe you've always wanted to write a book but had zero ideas how to start or how to even structure it? just seems super overwhelming...

 Do you believe that in order to write a book you need a lot of money to do that?

 Have you ever wanted to write a book but you don't even know what to write one about?
(well I guess we solved half of this issue above)

hofit kim cohen - how to write an ebook? the 5-figure e-book course. learn to write an ebook in under 30 days

 Do you believe you have an important piece of knowledge or a skill set that can help transform people's lives for the better? 

If anything I listed above sounds familiar to you, trust me, I get it!

But let me ask you this...

But What if... these things that I just listed above are actually FAR from the truth...

What if...they actually DON'T MATTER?!? 

❗ ❗ ❗  

Remember how earlier I told you that what I'm about to share with you might be shocking, crazy and possibly INSANE

Ready for it?...


hofit kim cohen - how to write an ebook? the 5-figure e-book course. learn to write an ebook in under 30 days


YUP. That's right!!!

I wrote a book about something that comes second nature to me in 2 days and that book made me an easy 5-figures and helped transfer the lives of many people many!

Sounds crazy right? Sounds impossible, some might call it being an overachiever, but what if it's not?...

What if there was a pretty effective strategy to making that possible... 

and what if I broke down that strategy for you in the most tangible, doable and simplest way possible...

hofit kim cohen mindset and business coach and mentor

What if...

What if, you took one weekend off and dedicated it to completely transforming your life? 

What if, you finally sat down and wrote your first e-book... how would that make you feel?

Excited about life?

Can you just imagine that for a second?

The actual emotions that come up for you knowing that you wrote your very own book?

Now, besides all of the exciting emotions that come up for you, knowing you wrote your own book... 

What about...

All of the impact, you would be making by helping inspire and transform people's lives for the better through your knowledge, skillsets and life experience...which BTW is HUGE! 

How would that makes you feel? 

But let's take it a step further...

How would you then feel, knowing that your skillset, passion and/or knowledge can earn you 5-figures, at bestbut could potentially be even more? (many people make 6 & 7 Figures from an e-book)

How would it feel knowing that YOU CAN make money from the things that you're passionate what?  

From the things you love? 

From the things that come second nature to you? 

From the things that light your soul on fire? 

hofit kim cohen mindset and business coach and mentor

What could you do with a few extra thousand dollars in your bank account every month?...

Quit your current job? Travel the world? Get yourself a few things you've wanted to get for a while?
Save up and put a down payment on a house? 

hofit kim cohen mindset and business coach and mentor

The truth is ALL of that could be made possible!
 and that's EXACTLY what I'm here to help you do!!! 

It doesn't have to be a 'what if' or a 'one day', YOU CAN make that happen inside of the 5-figure e-book!

I'm here to help fill in all those voids and show you how all this can be made possible without any of those things listed above before! 

 Without being a professional author

 Without a publishing deal

 Without knowing how to structure it

 Without it being super time consuming

 and under $100!

And the answer for that my friend is through an e-book!

Soooo What's An E-Book?

(In case you don't already know...)

It's a digital book -- meaning it's a book people purchase online and instantly access it by downloading it into their phone or computer.
It's also known as a digital product! 

Now let's get into why you should be doing this...

What's the benefit of creating an e-book?

Insta Worthy Filters Course - Lightroom Presets Course passive income (Hofit Kim Cohen - Vanilla Sky Dreaming) preset edits

Why E-Book Vs. Physical Book

The big difference between the 2:


 E-books are popular AF! They are a multi-million dollar industry, and sales increase every year. You can make 5, 6 & even 7 figures from selling and creating an e-book

 You make 100% profit from every book sold!

 You don't need to be famous or a public figure

 You don't need a publishing deal

 E-books are easier and faster to create

 You can release & launch it whenever you want

 You have creative freedom

 You don't need to deal with inventory, manufacture & shipping 

 E-books can be sold an endless amount of times because it's a digital product which is downloadable and it costs you nothing every time its sold

 Your customers get instant access and don't need to wait for shipping time 

 You reach a global and broader audience

 E-Books are FREE to sell

 You can market & promote your e-book 100% for FREE

 They are user friendly & easier to read and consume information faster than a physical book 

 They are one of the best ways to create passive income and a  great asset for building income!
and it's one of the best ways of creating passive income 

  I can honestly go on and on...

Physical Book

 You need a publisher AKA a publishing deal (someone to publish your book)

 You need to be 'a someone' in order to guarantee book sales to your publishing company

 You need to go on endless meetings and pitch yourself to publishers until you find the perfect publisher who gets your vision and believes in you but you also have to like what they're willing to offer...

 It can take 2-5 years to get it published and approved

 You don't necessarily have creative freedom because you're owned by the publisher and they have the final say at the end of the day if your book needs to be re-written or edited. That alone can lead to endless drafts and longer turnover time until the book gets released and published

 You need a budget 

 They are a physical item which is great to physically have but they also cost you money, as the writer to produce (a % comes off your paycheck for printing) 

 You don't make 100% profit, in fact, you don't even make 10% from book sales -- you make at best 7.5% of book sales. 

The rest of the money goes to your publisher, the stores that sold the book, 

 And at the end of the day, the odds of writing a physical book and getting it published are 1%-2% says Forbes


The 5-Figure E-Book Online Course

- Learn To Create & Publish Your Own E-Book -  
Create another source of income in an effortless way!

hofit kim cohen - the 5 figure e-book course


(Valued at $2743)

Today, I'm thrilled to introduce to you my BRAND NEW course, The 5-Figure E-Book Course!!

Where I take you through the EXACT process and steps you need to take in order to write & create your first-ever e-book! 
(a method you can repeat as many times as you want, to make you even more money!)

This course will blow your mind and simplify everything you ever found to be overwhelming and/or confusing when it comes to creating your e-book!

I will be teaching you my EXACT strategies & methods into creating and writing an e-book in little to no time -- in the most effective, tangible & simple-to-do way to get your e-book ready to sell in under 30 days! 

This is basically a done-for-you program with endless templates and formals to choose from.

Without being a professional writer/author, without a publishing deal, without it taking years to create!

All you have to do is just choose your path and follow the steps to success!


The 5-Figure E-Book Course

 5 Modules

 28 Course Lessons

 100+ PDFs, Examples & Additional Guidance 

 Lifetime Access

24/7 Customer Service

What You'll Be Learning Inside The Course:

The 5-Figure E-Book Course

(Valued at $2743)

 How to write your own book with little to no experience (even if you're not a professional writer).

 How to create a book when you don't want to physically write it yourself 

 How to turn your passion, knowledge & life skills into a book you're excited about!

 How to simply come up with an e-book concept that SELLS! 

 The EXACT strategy I use to write an entire book in less than a week! 
(there are a few formulas)

 How to structure an entire book from start to finish

 How to create, publish & sell your own book under $100!

 How to market & promote your book 100% FREE! 

 Learn about all the sections your book needs to have to be considered an actual book

  and lots MORE!

hofit kim cohen mindset and business coach and mentor -- the 5-figure e-book course


5 Lessons
70 mins

LESSON 1: Welcome To The 5-Figure E-Book 

LESSON 2: (Overview Of Course) You Have All The Tools You Need To Succeed + Motivational Speech + The Benefits Of Creating An E-Book (22:27)  

Goal Setting Worksheets

LESSON 3: My Journey Of Creating My E-Book (19:00)

LESSON 4: The Power Behind An E-Book (What's Possible...) (4:38)

LESSON 5: Understanding How 5-Figures Can Be Made With An 
E-Book (18:41)


6 Lessons
48 mins

LESSON 6: E-Book Concepts That SELL Themselves 
(The Concept Behind What You're About To Build) (10:25)

LESSON 7:  The Rules Of E-Books Are There Are No Rules 
(But Also There Are...) (5:01)

LESSON 8: Everything Your Book Needs To Have (6:04)

LESSON 9: Understanding The Steps You'll Have To Go Through To Create Your E-Book (12:05)

LESSON 10: Picking Your E-Book Topic & Brainstorming Ideas (8:55)

LESSON 11: Finding Additional Inspiration (5:48)


5 Lessons
52 mins

LESSON 12: Introduction & Letter To You (8:05)

LESSON 13: How To Collapse Time When Writing An E-Book 
(Get Your E-Book DONE in 1-Day!) (14:50)


LESSON 14: THE BEST STRATEGY For Writing A Book (13:28)


LESSON 15: Everything You Need To Know About Proofreading (7:47)

LESSON 16: Tips For Naming Your Book (Book Title) (8:06)


7 Lessons
70 mins

LESSON 17: Everything About The Book Cover + Marketing Tools To Sell More E-Books (18:48)

LESSON 18:  Copyright Protection + Credits (5:26)

LESSON 19: Designing & Creating Your Book (13:51)

LESSON 20:  End Of The Book Upsell $ (9:37)

LESSON 21: Creating Your Table Of Content (9:08)

LESSON 22: CONGRATS! You're Done! One Last Thing! (6:09)

LESSON 23: Figuring Out Where To Sell Your Book 


5 Lessons
39 mins

LESSON 24: The 3 Types Of Strategies For Creating An E-Book (Additional Structures) (1:40)

LESSON 25: HOW TO WRITE A BOOK: Repurposing Content Concept & Strategies (9:57)

LESSON 26: HOW TO WRITE A BOOK: Without Actually Writing A Book (Strategies) (9:53)

LESSON 27: Structuring Your Book - For A Guide (Step-By-Step) Strategies (10:40)

LESSON 28: Structuring Your Book - Mastering A Topic (Book Style) (5:41)

The Truth is...

About digital products...

Writing an e-book has completely changed my life and blow my freaking mind!!!! 

The fact that you can take/invest a small period of time into creating a product that's digital -- a product that you only have to create ONCE  and then taking that product (asset) and selling it over and over again at zero cost (because it's digital and costs you nothing to re-sell), for as long as you want is a COMPLETE GAME CHANGER! 
End of story. 

I honestly CAN'T think of a better way to invest your time and energy than into something that's going to...

💰Makes you money long-term
💰Becomes a passive income
💰Becomes another stream of income
💰Where you don't trade your time for money
💰That could be sold in so many different ways
💰and that can make you, at the least 5-figures!

The only regret I have is that...
I only wish I knew all of this sooner...because...

hofit kim cohen mindset and business coach and mentor

The POWER behind digital products is unmatched!

The results! 🤌 The impacted! 🤌The money! 🤌 
The POWER behind it! 💥

The Freedom lifestyle it provides
 The creativity & self-expression

I literally can't imagine a better way of investing my time and energy than creating a digital product about something I love and am passionate about from a sustainable long-term investment and a business standpoint.

So Why Did I Ditch My Travel Influencer and Write An E-Book To Begin With? 

Writing in e-book has completely changed my life and blow my freaking mind!!!! The results! The impacted! The money!
The power behind it! 

So how and why I wrote in e-book to begin with? 

In 2021, I basically ditch my travel influencer career and decided to take a chance on something I KNEW in my heart would be worth my time and energy long term, can you guess what that was? 

I wrote my first ever e-book!

Why? An e-book is more sustainable long term. All I had to do was create it once and it could make me money from the moment I launched it and way into the future because it's a digital product and with digital products the sky is the limit because they can be sold an endless amount of times and help a lot of people instantly. 
It was something I only had to create once and it could keep making me money while at the same time help so many different types of people all over the world!

Vs. While influencers campaigns are fun, they are also super time consuming and I was sick of trading my time for money and waiting on paychecks to come in with a long flip over time. 
Plus, let's not forget what happened in 2020 -- the world completely changed and there hasn't been a better time to think of sustainable, reliable and effortless income. 

Plus, did I mention the satisfcation of getting paid instantly and not having to wait to get paid 
to an endless amount of people, 

vs. comapgins 
For the last 9 years, I've made a career off of doing the things that I'm obsessed with and passionate about.

But here's the catch, while being an influencer for 6 years made me great money. 

I made even more than double the amount, in a shorter period amount of time when I started creating digital products. 

In the past 2.5 years, I've made more money from creating digital products than 6 years as an influencer. 

 and I'm obsessed with teaching others how to do the same exact thing!
At first, it started off with becoming a travel blogger in 2014, where I got to travel the world solo, stay at some of the most stunning hotels in the world and visit endless bucket list destinations.

But in March of 2021 when the world was closed and I could no longer travel like I once did... I stumbled upon something that quite literally changed my life in a brand new way...

A brand new door opened up for me when I wrote my first e-book!

and a brand new dooand one of those things is I'm obsessed with helping others do the same exact thing.r opened for me when I wrote my first e-book!

In the last 3.5 years I've created & launched multiple digital products that have made me a couple of 6-figures (getting close to 7-figures). From Lightroom presets to e-books, online courses and multiple masterclasses and guess what, I aint stopping any time soon because creating digital products has changed my entire life & career
and I'm here to teach you the art of mastering exactly how I did it. 

and I don't about you but if the idea of working less and having more time to do the things you love most, the things that lights your heart on fire, sounds like your kind of a lifestyle, then you've come to the right place because this is exactly how I've always pictured my life and how I live it!  the idea of working whenever I want  

So if that sparks your curiosity you've come to the right place! 

But in 2019, I took it a step further...

In 2021, I launched my very first e-book called 'Insta-Worthy Photos E-Book'

(Some of you might have heard of it, others not, but many purchased it! )

I sold my e-book for $24 and sometimes put it on sale for $17 and $19

Now the question is can you really make 5-figures from an e-book? 


hofit kim cohen mindset and business coach and mentor

In 5 days I made $691!



Don't think for a second that I didn't add some fun FREE bonuses to make your e-book process even more successful & fun! 


(Valued at $893)

The 30-Day Challenge E-Book Ready 
(Daily Tasks)

Ready To Join The 30-Day E-Book Challenge? 

Go from no e-book to ready-to-sell e-book in 30 days!!!

Your detailed guide to successfully launching your e-book in 30 days!

I will be breakdown each daily task for you to get your e-book ready to sell in no time! 

This is your 30-day daily tasks from start to finish on what you need to accomplish every day in order to get your e-book completed and ready to launch -- from start to finish!


(Valued at $893)

The 14-Day Challenge E-Book Ready 
(Daily Tasks)

What if you wanted to get your e-book done in less than 30-days? 

What if you wanted to make money ASAP and get your e-book done in 14 days? Is it possible?

Of course it is!

We've added an additional 14-day e-book challenge to help you get your e-book done and ready to sell in just 2 weeks! Just making money ASAP with this amazing daily tasks guide! 


40 'Done For You' Book Cover Templates 

To help make your process even fast!

You don't have to worry about designing your e-book cover cause I've got you covered! ;) 

Use one of our 40 done for you book cover templates to impress and wow people with your book cover! 

All you have to do is edit text & image and make them your own!

(Valued at $1249)

Done For You Templates


17 'Done For You' Book About Me/Introduction Templates 

To help make your process even fast!

Ready to have a bomb ass lookin introduction or an about me page in your book! I got you covered! All you have to do is edit text and make them your own, all the designs are done for you!

(Valued at $349)


16 'Done For You' Table Of Content Templates 

To help make your process even fast!

Your e-book will definitely need a table of content, so we did the hard work for you so you don't have to!

All you have to do is edit text and make them your own!

(Valued at $326)

71 'Done For You' E-Book Templates 

Ready to blow people away with your e-book cover & professional aesthetics inside the book!?!

These e-book templates bonus are a cheat sheet in the game! 

They provide you with 71 pre-designed options to help you create your professional-looking e-book, quickly and easily! With a variety of designs and layouts -- you can customize each template to fit your specific needs to make the process simple and efficient, save time while still delivering high-quality product that will amaze your future customers! 

BONUS #6 & #7

(Valued at $380)

My FREE Copy Of My E-Book: 
'Insta-Worthy Photos'

Since I'm teaching you how I made 5-figures from my e-book it's only fair that I'll give you the book that made me 5-figures for reference, ideas and better, you might learn a few tricks along the way that you can apply for your own business when it comes to professional photo taken!

PLUS, also included, you'll grab a free copy of my 
'Posing 101 Guide'!

If you're ready to STOP trading your time for money and learn a skill set that will help you far into the future 

A skill set ☝ you can be repeated as many times as you want to earn you even more money, this is the course for you!


The 5-Figure E-Book Course!

hofit kim cohen mindset and business coach and mentor 5-figure e-book course
hofit kim cohen mindset and business coach and mentor 5-figure e-book course

The 30-Day Challenge E-Book Ready (Daily Tasks)

(Valued at $893)

The 14-Day Challenge E-Book Ready (Daily Tasks)

(Valued at $893)

 FREE Copy Of My E-Book:
'Insta-Worthy Photos'

(Valued at $380)

40 'Done For You' Book Covers Templates 

14 'Done For You' Book Table Of Content Templates 

17 'Done For You' E-Book About Me/Introduction Templates 

100+ PDFs, Examples & Additional Guidance 

Goal Setting Exercise & Worksheet

PLUS, also included, you'll grab a free copy of my 'Posing 101 Guide'!

Let Me Know if You Relate to these Questions...

Ok, so here's the thing, you're probably sitting at your computer, or maybe on your phone...and you're reading this today for a REASON. This isn't random -- it's just how the universe works ;)

Something in your life isn't perfect, and you know you want more out of life than your current reality. 

So let me ask you this...does this sound like something you'd want to start taking action on? Because right now you have the chance to grab the blueprints that shows you exactly how it's done!

We both know that deep down inside, you were meant for so much more in this lifetime and know that IT IS possible to turn your dreams into reality!


Plus, did I mention I'm throwing in some FREE bonuses with your purchase! 


(Valued at $757)

How To Edit On Lightroom Course - Mobile Edition 

Video Course (32:21mins)

Learn How To Edit On Lightroom Like A Pro!

Insta Worthy Filters Course - Lightroom Presets Course passive income (Hofit Kim Cohen - Vanilla Sky Dreaming) how to edit on lightroom course mobile

Whether your new to editing or know how to edit photos, there is always so much to learn about editing photography. 

Adobe Lightroom is the most professional way of editing photos. 

Lightroom has lots of editing tools and the sky is the limit. It took me 6 months on a daily base to learn how to master Lightroom because I was self taught and now I want to teach you all that I know to save you the trial & error phase.   

In this guided course, you will learn how to properly use each tool on Lightroom and by the end of it, you'll be editing photos like a pro! You will learn a skill set that will always be important because photography has been around for over 100 years!

Most advertisers and professional photographers like to edit their photos on their computer which takes a lot longer. 

I want to simplify things for you and teach you how to edit on your mobile device, in a way that's fast, easy to access and simple to upload on Instagram or anywhere else. 

Insta Worthy Filters Course - Lightroom Presets Course passive income (Hofit Kim Cohen - Vanilla Sky Dreaming) how to edit on lightroom course mobile

I'll teach you tricks like how to go from this to that!

Insta Worthy Filters Course - Lightroom Presets Course passive income (Hofit Kim Cohen - Vanilla Sky Dreaming) how to edit on lightroom course mobile

What You'll Learn In 'How To Edit On Lightroom' Course:

Insta Worthy Filters Course - Lightroom Presets Course passive income (Hofit Kim Cohen - Vanilla Sky Dreaming) how to edit on lightroom course mobile
Insta Worthy Filters Course - Lightroom Presets Course passive income (Hofit Kim Cohen - Vanilla Sky Dreaming) how to edit on lightroom course mobile
  •  I will teach you how to use the entire program of Adobe Lightroom and at the end of this, you will become an editing PRO! 
  • ​By the end of course, you will know what every single tool feature does and how to use it properly. 
  • ​You will learn the correct way to use exposure, contrast, highlights, shadows, whites, blacks, temp, tint, vibrance and saturation .  
  • ​You will learn the correct way of highlighting and changing certain color schemes and tones in your photos.
  • ​Learn the correct way to use curves in your photos
  • ​How to create a gorgeous sunset colored sky on an overcast gray day.
  • ​How to create a faded out and moody photo
  • ​How to bring out the details in your photos
  • ​How to understand and utilize colors the right way and shift your entire photo
  • ​How to take a dark, low quality photo and turn it into a high quality photo that looks like it was taken from a professional camera. 

PLUS, You'll Also Get:


Insta Worthy Filters Course - Lightroom Presets Course passive income (Hofit Kim Cohen - Vanilla Sky Dreaming) lightroom presets organization checklist guide

My Step-by-Step Things To Do E-Book Checklist: 

(Valued at $169)

2 Downloadable PDF


In order to have a successful journey through creating and selling your own Lightroom presets, you're going to need to be organized and make sure you don't miss any step, especially when creating more than one collection.

That's why I've created the perfect 'Presets Organization Checklist Guide', this is the EXACT method I used to get everything organized and ready for launch!

You're Getting: 

- Lightroom Presets Organization Checklist Guide  
(12 pages)

- Quick Collection Checklist (2 pages)

- Things To Take Into Consideration Before Getting Started List (8 pages)

AND, I'm throwing in an additional bonus and course!


My Favorite Photo & Video Apps To Level Up Your Business Course

(Valued at $1079)

Video Course - 10 Lessons 

Over 60mins

(more videos to be added in the future!)

Insta Worthy Filters Course - Lightroom Presets Course passive income (Hofit Kim Cohen - Vanilla Sky Dreaming) lightroom presets

There are endless amazing apps to use to turn your Instagram account & business into a breathtaking HUGE success

In order to run a successful business, you're going to need some tools, so I've created a video course with my favorite SECRET apps that I've been using for a few years now. 

These apps have helped me run and grow a successful & professional business.

I'll teach you how to use them, why I love them and what their best features are!

Insta Worthy Filters Course - Lightroom Presets Course passive income (Hofit Kim Cohen - Vanilla Sky Dreaming) lightroom presets

In this guided series you'll learn: 

  •  What apps I use to create amazing Insta-stories
  • ​How to organize your photos before uploading them on Instagram & build a beautiful feed
  • ​How to add creative touches to your photos
  • ​What apps I use to create my Reels & Tiktok videos
  • ​The Apps I use to create banners for my websites, thumbnails, promo sales campaign for my presets and other digital products.
  • ​And MORE!

Why I'm Offering This Course:

Insta Worthy Filters Course - Lightroom Presets Course passive income (Hofit Kim Cohen - Vanilla Sky Dreaming) lightroom presets

Before I created my own Preset collections and turned it into a 6-figure business, I had no idea what I was actually doing... I had to learn everything through trial and errors -- there was no guidebook, no e-course or e-book to help me. 

This of course, led into sleepless nights and countless days trying to figure it all out on my own - especially those little things.

At the time, I wished I could have paid someone to help me do it or show me the blueprints. 
I would have died to buy a course on it! It would have made my life so much easier.

I want to save YOU the frustration and the headache of trying to figure it out all on your own. 

As many of you know, I'm HUGE on helping people become successful, financially free and making all of their wildest dreams come true! 

That's what I'm here for -- to make your life easier!

That's why I'm offering this amazing course and teaching you EXACTLY what you have to do to create these and be successful in the process in the simplest and easiest way possible.

Insta-Worthy Filters Course - Lightroom Presets Course passive income (Hofit Kim Cohen - Vanilla Sky Dreaming) lightroom presets
Insta Worthy Filters Course - Lightroom Presets Course passive income (Hofit Kim Cohen - Vanilla Sky Dreaming) lightroom presets

Here Is What You're Getting: 

Insta-Worthy Filters Course

20 Video Lessons

6.5 Hours

(Valued at $2675)

Learn everything you need to learn about creating, selling & promoting your preset filters!
(Start creating a 6-figures passive income!)

Lifetime access to Insta-Worthy Filters Course 

4 FREE Bonuses!

2 Additional Video Series Courses

BONUS 1: How To Edit On Lightroom Mobile Course! 


(Valued at $757)

BONUS 2: My Favorite Photo & Video Apps To Level Up Your Business Course! 


(Valued at $1079)

Downloadable PDF

(Valued at $169)

BONUS 3: Let's get organized together!

- Lightroom Presets Organization Checklist Guide  (12 pages)

- Quick Collection Checklist (2 pages)

- Things To Take Into Consideration Before Getting Started List (8 pages)

Insta Worthy Filters Course - Lightroom Presets Course passive income (Hofit Kim Cohen - Vanilla Sky Dreaming) lightroom presets
Insta Worthy Filters Course - Lightroom Presets Course passive income (Hofit Kim Cohen - Vanilla Sky Dreaming) lightroom presets organization checklist guide & how to edit on lightroom like a pro
Insta Worthy Filters Course - Lightroom Presets Course passive income (Hofit Kim Cohen - Vanilla Sky Dreaming) lightroom presets

BONUS #4 !!! 

NEW! Additional, Limited Time BONUS! 

I really want this to be one of the best decisions you've ever made and I want you to have great success, so I'm currently offering a 4th FREE BONUS (LIMITED TIME) 



Insta Worthy Filters Course - Lightroom Presets Course passive income (Hofit Kim Cohen - Vanilla Sky Dreaming) lightroom presets 25 digital product ideas to make you more money

25 Digital Product Ideas! 

To make you even more money!

(Valued at $765)

PDF Downloadable

So here's the deal... this bonus was created for ONLY the students who signed up early during the presale, however, I've decided to extend this bonus for just a little bit longer and offer it to you right now for FREE!

This offer won't stay for much longer.

It will eventually turn into a video course on it's own. 

By purchasing the course TODAY, you will get access to this amazing PDF downloadable AND in the future when I turn it into online course, you will get FREE ACCESS to it as well! 

Many of the things on this least, I've done and it has helped me grow my empire and streams of income and the best part... 
They are all PASSIVE INCOME!

Insta Worthy Filters Course - Lightroom Presets Course passive income (Hofit Kim Cohen - Vanilla Sky Dreaming) lightroom presets
Insta Worthy Filters Course - Lightroom Presets Course passive income (Hofit Kim Cohen - Vanilla Sky Dreaming) lightroom presets
Insta Worthy Filters Course - Lightroom Presets Course passive income (Hofit Kim Cohen - Vanilla Sky Dreaming) lightroom presets
Insta Worthy Filters Course - Lightroom Presets Course passive income (Hofit Kim Cohen - Vanilla Sky Dreaming) lightroom presets

So at this point, you're probably wondering how much joining this course will cost ya...

Now I won't lie, there were a lot of debts on where to price this course at with all that I'm offering's valued at $6,498!

 It took me time, money and energy, trial & error to figure out what actually works when it comes to creating a successful e-book...and honestly, with everything that I'm teaching you in this course, it's fair to say that I can easily charge $3,500 for a course like this. 

Then I thought $2199 would be fair...because I know you're going to make a killing out of it!

and even though it would be worth it because you can make so much money from this course alone and repeat my strategy and methods to create even more e-books and make even more money!...  

After serious debts and reflection, I've decided that I'm not going to do that because I truly want to make this course accessible to as many people as I possibly can! So right now, you can join 'The 5-Figure E-Book' Course, PLUS, grab all the amazing bonuses and limited-time early access, for a one-time payment of ONLY $550! 

Yup. Just $550!

(The price can change at any minute though -- so act fast!)


ONLY $1197!


Current Price:

ONLY $550!!!

(Valued at $6498)

You can start for as low as $211 (payment plan option)



Lifetime Access To Course!

You can start for as low as $110

*Payment Plan Options Available



So what are you waiting for? 
Enroll TODAY, grab this amazing bundle deal start your path to financial freedom!

P.S. If you're just like me and like to scroll all the way to the bottom of the page because you just want to buy it already and just want to see how it will cost you and what you're getting... lol don't worry, I got you. Here it is...

My FREE Copy Of My E-Book:
'Insta-Worthy Photos'

(Valued at $380)

PLUS, also included, you'll grab a free copy of my 'Posing 101 Guide'!

What You're Getting:

The 5-Figure E-Book Course!

(Valued at $2739)

The 30-Day Challenge E-Book Ready
(Daily Tasks)

(Valued at $893)

71 'Done For You' E-Book Templates 

(Valued at $1249)

And just remember and know this...

The best part about creating a digital product? 

Once you've created it, it's yours forever and can ALWAYS make you money!

Even 5 years down the line or when you're sleeping, chillin, or on vacation living your best life! 

I will teach you everything you need to learn and do from start to finish!

The most successful entrepreneur of the world will tell you to never trade your time for money -- it's not how you become rich and successful, you do it by creating multiple sources of income & passive income for yourself that makes you money even when you sleep!

It's actually the biggest kept secret among the world's 1% wealth population.

Realizing this has helped me shift my entire mindset around money and how I went from making a few hundred dollars a month online to turning my business into 6-figures! 

Insta Worthy Filters Course - Lightroom Presets Course passive income (Hofit Kim Cohen - Vanilla Sky Dreaming)

But here's the wild thing...

I step this up ONCE!

I created my stores ONCE!

I created my preset collections ONCE!

All back in early 2019 and since then I haven't updated anything, not my presets or my stores and it keeps generating me MONEY! It's legit amazing and genius!

Here Is What You're Getting: 

Insta-Worthy Filters Course

20 Video Lessons

6.5 Hours

(Valued at $2675)

Learn everything you need to learn about creating, selling & promoting your preset filters!
(Start creating a 6-figures passive income!)

Lifetime access to Insta-Worthy Filters Course 

4 FREE Bonuses!

2 Additional Video Series Courses

BONUS 1: How To Edit On Lightroom Mobile Course! 


(Valued at $757)

BONUS 2: My Favorite Photo & Video Apps To Level Up Your Business Course! 


(Valued at $1079)

Downloadable PDF

(Valued at $169)

BONUS 3: Let's get organized together!

- Things To Take Into Consideration Before Getting Started List (8 pages)

- Lightroom Presets Organization Checklist Guide (12 pages)

- Quick Collection Checklist (2 pages)  

BONUS 4:  25 Digital Product Ideas 
(to make you even more money!)

(Valued at $765)

InstaWorthy Filters Course - Lightroom Presets Course passive income (Hofit Kim Cohen - Vanilla Sky Dreaming) lightroom presets
Insta Worthy Filters Course - Lightroom Presets Course passive income (Hofit Kim Cohen - Vanilla Sky Dreaming) lightroom presets
Insta Worthy Filters Course - Lightroom Presets Course passive income (Hofit Kim Cohen - Vanilla Sky Dreaming) lightroom presets
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